Simple Things Just simple things. Nothing complicated, heroic, or great. Just simple things. With all the wild things happening all over, when the day is over we are back to simple things. We sit on the couch. We talk. We aren’t going out to movies, or out to eat, or much of anything else. Even for a home-body this is a bit much. But there it is. And yet, in those very simple things there is something deep and marvelous that has to do with the Kingdom of God. In Genesis it says, “In the image of God He created him, male and female He created them.” Adam and Eve were created to picture the Image of God in their relationship. That is part of the Image of God, since God is Triune, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All too often we overlook those simple ordinary things. But they are part of God creating the Image of Himself in the very ordinary parts of life. The time we spend, the silent company with one another, the little courtesies and kindnesses done within our marriages, families and friendships – they are a part of God revealing to us who He is within the Trinity, by forming those little things in our lives. I have heard and read that part of the purpose of the Sabbath was to get the people of God to stop doing (all the busy things we fill our lives with) and at the end of the week get back to the relationships that form the heart and core of our lives. And indeed that is what God was doing in Genesis 3 when He was walking in the Garden in the cool of the day. He was there to spend time with Adam and Eve, not doing more amazing creation things – just being there with them. When Adam and Eve had turned away, He then announced the birth of “the Seed of the woman.” He would come to us once again to spend time, to dwell among us. (John 1:14) I wonder: how much of the 3 years the disciples spent with Jesus was simply walking along, quietly being there? That is part of the goal, to be there and finally have back all the time with us that Adam and Eve lost. How great a price Jesus was ready to pay to win back time with you. A little picture for us comes at the end of the Gospel of John – Breakfast on the beach with Jesus. It says, (John 21:9) “When they got out on land, they saw a charcoal fire in place, with fish laid out on it, and bread.” It’s just my guess but somehow I think that Jesus didn’t cut corners, but spent the time to prepare and cook the meal. And then there was the meal (vv. 10-13) – and as they ate nothing happened. Just a meal. Just being there together savoring the moments. Isn’t it interesting that the time spent when we aren’t doing anything special or amazing can be the measure of love and friendship? Jesus my Friend, thank you for the time, the days, hours and moments of my life, and for being the kind of Friend who savors every moment of my knowing You. Lead me through the confusion of so many of my days that I may come back at the end of each one to that restful time of simply knowing You. Thank You for the promise of endless days of life and blessing. Amen.
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Rev. Mark WilligPastor Willig is pastor emeritus of Friends in Christ Lutheran Church. Archives
December 2023